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A Magical 'Blue Lagoon' Is Coming To Canada & Here's What It'll Look Like (PHOTOS)

It'll be the largest of its kind in the world!

A rendering of a Blue Lagoon-inspired geothermal pool in Quebec.

A rendering of a Blue Lagoon-inspired geothermal pool in Quebec.


If you've always wanted to visit the iconic hot springs of Iceland, this one's for you! A huge geothermal lagoon inspired by the Nordic pools is coming to Canada, and new photos have been released showing just how magical it'll be.

GeoLAGON is a plan for three projects in Petite-Rivière-Saint-François, a small town on the Saint Lawrence River in Quebec, that will rely on renewable energy. The project is by developer Louis Massicotte, the former president of Calypso Park.

The geothermal lagoon, which is inspired by the famous Blue Lagoon of Iceland, is part of this project and would be the biggest of its kind in the world, with a surface area of 120,000 square feet.

New photos from geoLAGON show the Nordic-style design of the huge geothermal lagoon.

A rendering of the geoLagon lagoon.A rendering of the geoLagon lagoon.Courtesy of geoLAGON

The open-air lagoon would be heated year-long at a comfortable 38 degrees, meaning you can enjoy the relaxing waters day or night.

An aerial view of the lagoon and cottages.An aerial view of the lagoon and cottages.Courtesy of geoLAGON

The plan is for four resort villages to be built in Quebec, with locations in Charlevoix, the Eastern Townships, Lanaudière and the Laurentians.

Surrounding the lagoon will be urban-style waterfront cottages sold in doubles to investors, who will then be able to list them as short-term rentals.

A street view of the lagoon.A street view of the lagoon.Courtesy of geoLAGON

According to Massicotte, the project is on track to be 100% energy sufficient, and will have "a significant potential surplus" of energy, which could "be put at the service of the community."

"The whole village will produce more energy than it will consume," he says.

A rendering of the lagoon.A rendering of the lagoon. Courtesy of geoLAGON

The site of the first geoLAGON location is under an hour from Quebec City and minutes away from attractions like Club Med Québec Charlevoix and the Massif de Charlevoix ski area, meaning visitors to the chalets will have tons to see and do.

Work on the project is expected to start before the spring of 2023.

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